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On March 5, 2021, on the eve of International Women's Day on March 8, a solemn summing up and awarding the winners of the regional stage of the republican competition took place in the regional philharmonic society  "Woman of the Year - 2020".  

Khatko Larisa Lukyanovna became the winner in the nomination “For Loyalty and Dedication”.



In the nomination  

"Successful start and hope of the Belarusian Union of Women" -

MATIUK ELENA VLADIMIROVNA , mother of many children, master of industrial training at the Grodno State Vocational College of Consumer Services

Mother of three wonderful children: two daughters and a son. Heads the primary organization of the NGO "Belarusian Women's Union" of the Grodno College of Consumer Services, the family of Elena Vladimirovna is the winner of the "Best Large Family" contest in the "Healthy Family-Future of Belarus" project. His motto is the words of Martti Larni "Being a man is         a lot, but being a woman is even more!”

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