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“We live, we remember and we are proud!”

                                                  Prepared by: Zhivalevskaya I.,                                                            student 13 w/n  

                                               To all those who endured that war

                                               In the rear or on the battlefields,

                                               Brought a victorious spring          

                                               Bow and memory of generations!

The Great Patriotic War... Just three words, but how much pain and suffering it brought to the people. This is a terrible page in our history. The most terrible of the terrible. The most cruel of the cruel. She broke into every city, every village, every town, every house.

  There is not a single family in our country that has not been touched by the war. Tragic photographs have survived to this day. Cruelty and violence were opposed to the great love of the people for their country. Having survived the war, it cannot be forgotten, it will remain forever in the hearts.  And we, as young people, want to say thank you to the women, old people and children who stood at the bench and repeated the immortal phrase: “Everything for the front, everything for the Victory!”. Thanks to those who, having gone through a terrible test of captivity, went to liberate the captured cities. Thank you that, losing loved ones, did not give up, did not give up; for the fact that in your eyes burned, burns and will burn a fire, a fire of hope. We, the younger generation, must learn to appreciate peaceful life, because it was for it that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought in the war.

I know the world is beautiful because peace is the exact opposite of war. I really hope that our generation and also the future will never know what war is. War... Daily incessant bombing that destroyed hundreds of thousands of lives. War... This event turned the world upside down so much that it is even impossible to imagine. The generation of the 21st century must be proud of the courage, fearlessness and courage of those who stood in the way of the enemies, shielded their Motherland with their chests, shielded them from bullets and grenades, shielded them in the name of everything beautiful that exists on earth: freedom, love and mercy. May there always be a peaceful sky above us!

In conclusion, I would like to say that more than twenty million people died during the war. Our land, on which we walk, is literally saturated with the blood of soldiers who gave their lives for their native country. Therefore, we need to think about the wars that we see now. I believe that we simply have no right to forget about these times. I am proud of my people, I bow to you, soldiers, and thank you very much for giving us a life that could not have been.

Glory to those who fought and won...

      75 years since our Belarusian land knows no war. We, the younger generation, know about the war from films and stories, and we cannot adequately imagine today in our peaceful and hospitable country the roar of guns, death, fires, famine.

   But our peaceful, long-suffering, heroic people endured all this. And today it is our sacred duty not only to remember, but also to pass on to our children knowledge, respect, memory of those who sacredly stood for the Motherland, fatherland, for us ...

    The feat of the people is immortal! No one will ever be able to erase from the memory of our people and all mankind the feat of the soldiers who defended their fatherland at the cost of their own lives.

     Honorary Citizen of Grodno  Danilov Andrei Stepanovich was awarded this title in 1964 on the day of the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders. In the first minutes of the war, on June 22, he shot down two German aircraft and went to ram air. It was the first air ram during World War II. Later, a downed German pilot will tell him about his courage and dedication.

       On June 31, 1944, during the liberation of the Grodno region, a young Kazakh soldier covered a machine gun equipped with a dagger with his body, saving his comrades.

      In the museum of our college, the guys touch with their hearts the feats that the old people, the youth, Komsomol members and communists performed during the Second World War. Here we again and again recall the feat of the Skidel underground members of the Komsomol Olga Solomova, Liza Chaikina and many others who, not sparing their lives, fought against the fascist invaders. We will never forget them... All those who fought and won, giving us today's peaceful day. Their feat is immortal - our memory is eternal ...



Prepared by a student  1p/w

Bychkovskaya Diana

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